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Color filter price range

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has been found i will need some color filters to get some better contrast in my photo's.

i have seen some stores offering filters in kits/singles but they cost a lot of money, single filters ranging from £17-170. but other stores selling filter kits for £30.

what effect will these cheaper filters have on my imaging. is it better to go with cheap color filters first ( dirt/grease/newbie safe), or fork out an arm and a leg for a single expensive colored filter.

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i am going to use them for both imaging and viewing.

mainly for solar/lunar viewing and bringing some contrast into said shots.

wex sells a filter set for £30, but Flo sells seperate and it costs a lot more than the wex set. i wondered if there would be a marked difference using cheap filters to the more expensive counterparts

camera is a cheap MS lifecam hd5000 and my trusty canon 350D none modded

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