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First light Baader Skysurfer III rdf

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Just given this it's first outing this evening after giving up with the stock rdf that came with my 127 SLT. Got fed up with it's unreliability.

The Skysurfer however is a different animal and although effectively the same design, the on off wheel on the Baader works every time. I like the larger window (30mm), and it is longer so it doesn't get dewed up as quickly.

The brightness of the rdf being controlled by the on/off wheel works very well with a minimum of fuss.

It also comes supplied with various adaptors and shoes to fit a wide range of scopes and I fitted to my 127 SLT very easily.

And at £22 they won't break the bank either. !00% better than my original rdf.

I must admit I am totally sold on the idea of an rdf over a proper viewfinder. Never though I would have, but since I have been using one I do prefer them now.

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Thanks for the first light. I did consider the Skysurfer iii, but think I may go for the Rigel quick finder. You did make me think again though. I know you said its a great improvement on the supplied one, the supplied one on the 130p I had has put me off RDF's it was useless. Cant beat the price though.

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