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Beginner: unguided 150mm Newt + T2 + Nikon D70s

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I've done a fair bit of landscape photog with the DSLR, I'm very new to astronomy. As I already have the camera and my new 'scope, and I can interface the two with a cheap adapter ring, I'm thinking what can I do with this combo? Unguided I should be able to get lunar shots with a high ISO and short exposure?

Is there a primer or book that will guide me on what is possible and tips for getting good images?

I'm enjoying the visual side of astronomy but would like to get a few images for posterity without spending a fortune on a goto or cooled ccd etc that the highest priests of this dark art need for their amazing DSO images :)

I feel like I'm on thin ice here - once I take that first step into the void it could get very expensive very quickly ;)

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I feel like I'm on thin ice here - once I take that first step into the void it could get very expensive very quickly ;)

Oh yes - worth it though !!

Book - making every photon count, by Steve Richards (order from FLO).

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