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Two globulars for the price of one


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Thanks to some clear nights and a newish moon I was able to tackle some RGB and this pairing of M53 and NGC5053 fits very nicely in the FOV of my FSQ106ED and ML8300. Exposures are 30x5 minutes for each filter. NGC5053 is a much looser cluster with less stars than M53 and although classified as a globular looks more like a tight open cluster

A full resolution image can be found at the following link

M53 & NGC5053 photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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Thanks to some comments on a couple of other forums about the star registration being off and some odd bi-colour fringing on some of the stars, I decided to have a go at using Registar (I had relied on the align tool in Maxim before), I reprocessed the image and put it at the following link

M53 and NGC5053 in RGB photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

The original version is the one before it for comparison, the colour fringing on the original image is more noticable in the corners and at full resolution. I will be using this program in future and might even do some reprocessing on previos images

Best wishes


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