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Projection viewing of sun


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Hi, I've had a few attempts of viewing the Sun through my SW130 projected on to a white laminated chipboard, today i decided to take a photo of the sun on the chipboard, Taken with Nikon D100 1/25 f36

Then edited in PS CS2. Adjusted the lvls and taken out the most of the dust bunnies leaving the sun spots there. Ajusting the lvls down to bring out more detail I was suprised to see what looks like suface detail on the sun, is this possible? No filters used on the camera.


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A good picture and you have captured the larger spots. Unfortunately the "detail" is the surface of your chipboard - Solar granulation is much finer and more subtle.

I would worry about using the projection method as you may damage your scope by reflecting light and heat onto parts that may not cope and will be damaged eg the secondary mirror and any plastic parts. If you buy a sheet of Baader Solar film and make a holder you can put this over the whole aparture of the scope, attach your camera and take exellent photos with no risk of damage. Hope this helps.

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yeah, i had a look at the chipboard and u can see lumps and bumbs in the covering material that i hadnt noticed before.

I dont view using full apeture, just take the small cap off to reduce the amount of light entering the scope, tho not sure i would do it mid summer in case it does get too hot.

Unfortunately being a sw130 i cant easily attach camera to scope due to problems with achieving focus, but when i get my 200pds sometime this year I will definetly think about the baader film

Thanks for your input :-)

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That's a good idea. I often project to look for sunspots and do a sketch. For some reason it never crossed my mind to photograph the projection. Infact I'm off right now to have a go.

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