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Light polution filter for DSLR

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I have an adapter that I made to allow me to connect my DSLR body to the eyepiece socket on my Skywatcher 150. Its just a turned bit of tube that is 2" at one end and turned to fit a Canon bayonet at the other. The bayonet is just glued on with epoxy.

So the question is - can I fit a 1.25" light polution filter inside the adapter. I'm thinking of turning the ID to take a 1.25" filter at the telescope end. Can you see any problem with doing this? ie Vignetting.



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It will work.

Alternatively you could be lazy like me.

Standard from the shop 1.25 & 2" tubes for camera fitting will usually have a filter thread.

This gives you a choice on LP filters.

I also have an (expensive) EOS clip filter inside the modded Canon. Excellent LP reduction. But it prevents use of automatic lenses.


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