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I dropped my Hyperion 8-24mm zoom last night. Onto a concrete patio!! The final drop was about 1 foot, as I fumbled it to the ground in stages like and England slip fielder.

It still seemed to work fine, but something is rattling inside it now.

Doh! I'm assuming these things are made of sterner stuff but I'm also sure this won't have done it much good.

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Oh dear... Maybe send it to where you bought it from and get them to look at it or send it away for repair? How long have you had it? Could you open it up yourself and take a look? I guess the only problem with that is running the risk of getting the inside contaminated with dust. In anycase it will probably need opening up to see the extent of the damage and effect a repair. Better it being opened in a dust free enviroment like a repair workshop.

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Another thing. If you bought it with a credit card some credit card companies offer free insurance on items purchased using the card for a short period of time. You may be able to get a replacement free of charge????????

Also for the future it might be an idea setting up over some rubber matting or something like that just in case. It certainly doesn't help now. Like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, but like I said above if you paid via credit card you may be able to get an new one if the cc company does the insurance thing

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sorry about your mishap. it's just possible that the retaining ring has loosened with the shock. look at the far end of the eyepiece and there will be a threaded ring with a couple of notches in which hold all the lenses in place. if you carefully (very carefully) tighten this with something plastic....you never know.

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