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My first proper solar images - be gentle please!


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Well after a few aborted attempts I've finally managed to get some solar shots with the PST. In the end I've had to piggy-back on the NS8 :shock:

Still finding focussing VERY difficult as you can see!

Two shots (going to try a few more later - its hot out there!)

Toucam, x2 barlow screwed into the front of the cam, stacked in Regsitax. Think I need more practice with processing...


(click to enlarge)


(click to enlarge)

Instructions for improving welcome please!


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At least you've made a start Helen, well done.

It isn't at all easy, trying to focus, with a web-cam attached to the PST, as the the detail on the solar surface is very indistinct, all though it does help when there's a sun-spot or two.

I assume that you adjusted the Etalan filter by eye first, and then left it alone once the web-cam was attached?

Focusing on the Sun, is so very much affected by the 'seeing', and unfortunatley, the focuser on the PST, doesn't 'lend itself' to accomodating a motor focus unit.

Try running the camera at 10 to 15 fps ( much faster and it will compress too much), and 'grab' several hundred, or even a 1000+ frames, for Registax to sort through. Hopefully, you will have a few good ones in there.

As for the processing, given a relatively noise free image, most people 'push' the processing very hard, giving a somewhat over-processed, but acceptable image.

I find that just using Registax to 'sort' and 'stack', then doing the rest in P/Shop, works best for me.


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How many did you stack? You should go for hundreds, at least. Keep the webcam at 5 fps to be sure you are getting the best out of it. Do a few 15-second captures with slightly different focus positions ("blind") to get a feel of how sensitive your setup is.

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