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Tonight's viewing - It was a good one

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It's a lovely clear night out there in Glasgow. Went out into my garden around 7:30pm and only just came in at 10:45.

Not had the chance to write up a review about the Skywatcher 200P Dob so heres what i seen tonight

Jupiter - This has to be one of my favourite objects to view. You can clearly make out 2 of the coud bands and 4 of its moons. Not seen the red spot yet but hope to one day.

Venus - After Jupiter i moved onto Venus and this was no way near as spectacular. Looked like a bright star but not a complete circle.

Mars - Nothing to scream about here. Just an orange'ish dot and thats it.

Saturn - Seen Saturn for the first time tonight and what a site. It didn't look real, its was just awesome. Through the eyepieces supplied with the dob i could clearly make out the planet a ring and one of the moons. Was expecting to see it bigger and maybe even the Casini division but no luck with that tonight. Used a Tal 2x barlow with both eyepieces but the 10mm was not that good barlowed. Saturn was also very low in the sky just above street lights so the light pollution may have contributed. Maybe better eyepieces may make better viewing.

Andromeda Galaxy - Failt fuzzy patch but cool knowing you are looking at something two and a half million light years away.

Orion Nebula - I really enjoyed looking at the nebula. Could clearly make out a grey/light greenish cloud and the stars. Both my 7 year old and 3 year old daughters were really impressed with this but unlucky for them it was bedtime.

So 4 planets, a galaxy and nebula in one nights viewing. Its been a productive night and very enjoyable. Keeping in mind these are views i seen from my back garden in Glasgow with plenty of light pollution i don't think it went too bad.

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There are many more wonders coming your way with an 8 inch, Mars will look much more interesting when the more detailed face comes around very soon and you'll see a lot more on Jupe with more experience, persistence, better conditions (and a better eyepiece as is so often recommended). You should also see several of Saturns moons eg Rhea, Dione, Tethys & Iapetus without much trouble and lots more galaxies.

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BST Explorer 8mm seems to get some good write ups on here. What i was wondering though was if i bought either a 15mm or 18mm then used a Tal x2 barlow is the quality of the view comprimised compared to getting an 8mm?

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Flippin typical isn't it, I pop over to my friends place for the evening and notice on my way back (at 3 in the morning) that the sky was the clearest I've seen it this year, so many stars etc showing themselves, twas beautiful. I was tired though and needed my sleep. Flippin typical!

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Flippin typical isn't it, I pop over to my friends place for the evening and notice on my way back (at 3 in the morning) that the sky was the clearest I've seen it this year, so many stars etc showing themselves, twas beautiful. I was tired though and needed my sleep. Flippin typical!

I've had a few times myself but lastnight was awesome. I would have loved to gone somewhere with less light pollution but It was my wife's birthday and she went out with the girls so i was left baby sitting. Kids enjoyed looking through the scope and i let them stay up till 9:30pm!!!!!

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