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Astronomy shed


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Hi fellow SGL fan's. this post as nothing to do with this site really, its just I have a question with regards to Astronomy shed.. The thing is I have tried to become a member without any luck, i filled in the on-line registration form with all my details and got the following response " to complete your registration you must activate the link on the email which as been sent to your email account". No email was ever sent so i tried to log on anyway only to be declined... So i tried the link "forgot your password", i proceeded to enter my email to which i first registered and wanted to receive it in to be told by the web site automated system, something on the lines of " not recognised email " or something similar to that anyway. so i tried to contact them and a anti spam massage told me to contact "websitelink" at astronomyshed dot co dot uk". with no luck at all..... Any suggestions? Vince :)

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Hi Vince - you must've made a typo in your email when you first registered. I know the guys over there so if you want to pm me your proper email and user name I'll get them to check it out or fix it for you :)

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Oh no!

Not more problems with their server. It's really letting the site down of late.

I lost about fifteen posts and two threads because of their server problems.

Real shame because it's a great site with some really top people on.

Let's hope they get things sorted soon.

I'd hate for them to lose members because of it.

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As said, I know exactly what you mean Vince.

Please be patient with them I was, and it really is a good site and worth being a member.

The admin there like here are very good. And will sort things.

There mods are decent people too.

Regards Steve

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