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M13, NGC 6205, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules

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I thought I saw this a few weeks back, but couldn't be sure... However, this time - no doubt about it. I went from Vega (so bright you can't miss it) to the three stars that are Hercules left armpit (as we look at him), from there it was easy with the 10x50's.

It's just a bit of a fuzz with a bright centre from my light polluted back garden, but I'm now really looking forward to seeing it from somewhere darker now that I know how to find it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I still can't seem to get M92.... I may get more luck in the coming months as Hercules travels further south - the view from here has London's orange dome to the east :(.

Doug, M44 is one of my fav's, I seem to keep going back to it every time I'm out with the bins..... what a sight.

I have also bagged M3 and M5 and possibly M53 in recent nights, what with it being soooo clear of late, tho with the LP they are very small and faint. M53 was a real push to see - averted vision and those great signpost stars...... tho I'm still not 100% sure I've seen it :(

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I've found conditions have to be juuuuuuust right for globs. Any light/haze/poor seeing in any combination turns them into a fuzz.

Even so, they are by far my favourite object. Got a view of m13 the other night that i'l never forget. It was dark, excellent transparency, and average seeing. After weeks of looking at the fuzz i finally got to see all of those star resolved, and it completely blew my mind.

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