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Help needed in buying Motor Focuser

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Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie...and i need all the help and recommendation i can get from all of you, to buy a Motor Focuser for my soon arriving Celestron C5..as the Motor Focuser itself is quite pricey, in my opinion..and i wouldn't want to make a less than ideal purchase and regret later.

I have one already in mind; its the JMI Motofocus for Celestron C5 kind of scope...the problem is, its expensive...and i'm hoping if anyone can just recommend other brands with similar functions but with a cheaper price tag (hopefully there is).

I found some sites where certain people made their own from scratch....but i'm not a techno guy that i should be able to put one together and expect it to work at all :)

Is there other alternative to focus the scope without touching it? Any recommendation or help from anyone would be much appreciated! Thank you!:):)

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Am sure the othe guys will be able to give suggestions.

Have you thought of the Baader steel track, focuser & Drive - have a look at these. I will warn it could be hazzardous to your bank account !!


Hi, thanks for suggestion....i went through the products, but i dont quite understand how it is suppose to work...am i suppose to turn the golden knob or sth?

And yeah, it is hazardous to my bank account...:):D

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You can buy the steel track focuser on it's own. Then you have to use the black / gold knobs.

But the auto focuser, then there will be a control box - not seen what it looks like. This I assume will then control the focuser knobs.

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Oh ok....think i can understand a bit better now..:)

Still, is the JMI a good buy...and are they the only one who make this kind of focuser? I've tried searching with all sorts of keywords but as usual, it's getting kinda me...er, nowhere...

so, hope more suggestions will keep coming...i'm going offline for now...will check again 2mrw.

Thanks again Scarlet...your suggestion is sth new to me..and i will read up more on that stuff later. Cheers! :)

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Why do you want to put a motor focuser on it, when you haven't even got the scope yet??

Oh hi there...i was about to go offline.

Anyway, thanks for asking...well you see, i'm asking someone in the US to get it for me...so i've got to plan ahead..so no choice and too bad for me. :)

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