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Learning the hard way ...

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FInally, a clear night! I have for the first time in ages looked at the sky with binoculars and I really wouldnt have believed you could see so much. As my eyes adjusted over time I could tell that the sky is in fact a blanket of stars and objects, and although they were only very faint, I could still tell they were all there out of the corner of my eye.

I couldnt work out what I was looking at for quite some time, so I picked one notable shape and started plotting everything around it to see if I could match it with anything on Stellarium (see attached). After a while I nailed it ... I was looking at a shape just outside of Ophiuchus. Just to make sure I continued plotting just a little more and identified a few objects. I'm pretty sure I picked up on NC 4665 - at first it just looked like a loose bunch of stars, but apparently it is a cluster so I was quite pleased with that. I only wish I had a scope to look at it better with.

Hmm, now that I can't take time off to go on holiday, and my birthday is coming up, I might just have to treat myself to a scope soon - not sure I'll be doing much more work in MS Paint like I did tonight though :wink:

And damn, my neck hurts.

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I only wish I had a scope to look at it better with.

that's what I felt when made my first steps in astronomy with binoculars:) It was fun and exciting, but I could't get enough of it:) And the pain in the neck.. well, you'd beter get used to that! Or just take Helens suggestion 8)

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Although it was a little cloudy I still managed to do some stargazing last night. I spotted Aquila, Scutum, Cygnus and Lyra, so I'm really starting to find my way around - tis much fun.

It's just a shame that this summer has been, and looks to continue to be, so poor! Nothing but cloud for the rest of the week, including the weekend :cool:

I think I might have reconsider and take a holiday afterall to somewhere warm with clear blue skies just so I can spend the evenings stargazing :wink:

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