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T Adapter related astrophotography confusion, help me Stargazers...

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Hey Stargazers. I got myself a Celestron Astromaster telescope back in January so I am very new to all this stuff.

I recently bought a box of accessories that included a T Adapter and a T Ring to fit my Canon camera.

These are the accessories I bought... Celestron AstroMaster Accessory Kit: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics

What I was wondering is how can I take photos through my telescope using the various lenses that I have? Or can't it be done with the equipment that I have?

As far as I can figure out the Camera attaches directly to the T Adapter (which offers X2 magnification) and the T adapter attaches directly to the telescope.

So can I not use the lenses when taking photos? That doesn't give a lot of magnification.

I'm a novice but I'm learning, any advice you could give me would be really appreciated.

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look for a copy of the book ... every photon counts ... astrophotography is a huge subject , its worth a phd at university , i dont think a quick question on a forum will quite cover it :)

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I'm a newbie so only know how to connect my camera to my Skywatcher 200P, but you use the T-ring to attach the camera body to the focusing tube, so you don't use a lens. This is using the camera at prime focus.

Maths and I don't get on, so how big the image will be will be explained by someone soon I'm sure! I know it's to do with the focal length of the scope and then my brain starts to melt! :)

If you could unpack all the pieces and photograph them, maybe someone will be able to tell you how to connect it all up. I'm not familiar with your scope and kit.


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With the T adapter you don't use the lens on the camera or the eye piece on the scope in this configuration your scope becomes the lens. You can connect a camera to the eye piece but this requires the right type of eye piece and a different lens adapter

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Hey thanks for the replies. The equipment I have is as follows...

I have one of these...


which I hope to attach to one of these...


with one of these...


and one of these...


so that I can take photos like this...


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This is my set-up. I hope it helps you! I've attached a series of photos starting with unscrewing the eyepece holder that attaches with a 'skirt' (I'm sure there's a proper name for it!)

Then I unscrew the tube that holds the EP from the skirt.

I attach the skirt to the T-Ring - there's only one way it'll fit!

Then I attach the T-ring/skirt combo to the camera body

Re-attach the skirt to the focusing tube with camera attached.

Do wrap the camera strap around the finderscope in case the camera drops out!

I hope I've helped!

EDIT: Is your mount motorised? It'll need to be to take pics of DSOs as it'll need to track for the long exposures.








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