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Problem with collimation

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So I have this srange problem. Well, strange to me. I got my first telescope, SkyWacher 10" collapsible. I tried it out last night. Pointed it to the moon and it was incredibly blury. However i focused it. I then pointed it to mars, and the same. Very very blury. I used 48x magnification. The thing is that i let the telescope cool off. So i figured that the problem is collimation.

So today I tried to collimate it. I made a collimating device like it said in the instruction that came with the telescope. I looked through the hole. It says that if it is properly collimated, everything should be in the center and i should see all of the three screws. And everything was in the center more or less, but i didn't see any of the screws. If it is not properly collimated, i should see only one or 2 screws, but it wasn't the case.

And that's problem number 1. Problem number 2 is even stranger to me. When I looked at the moon, it was just blury. thats it .But when I looked at some stars, they were blury AND there was some kind of cross on them, kinda like on the finderscope. I don't get what was that.

If anyone has and opinions and could help, i would truelly apreciate it..

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The cross it just the spider holding the secondry causing difraction lines. But the scope not focusing is strange, could be collimation or not enough focus travel? can you get a focus by moving the eyepiece out of the focuser.

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Hi, it might need collimation to get the best views but you should see something. You need to slowly adjust the focus inwards / outwards, to far either way and all you will get is spider vane or nothing. Might be worth setting up in the daylight and trying a distant building ?

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if its still blurry tonight try aiming at a bright star and racking well out of focus, the pattern should be a blacker circle in the middle with a whiter circle around it ... search for star test / collimation

Good luck

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