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M51 mono


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This is my first image trying to get to grips with a mono CCD (Atik16HR) & filters.

It did start life as an LRGB but after getting 1 hazy blue sub through the cloud I'm saving that for another day.

I've had all sorts of niggling issues with spacing and fiels rotation due to bad guiding that I'm waiting for a clear night to fix now. Hopefully I can improve on this image and add some colour data to it. Also my first go at flats and bias, so a little more to learn there as well - plus the moon was out !

Anyway enough of my moaning :headbang:

I had to drop the subs down to 5 minutes and there are about 20 in this Luminance filter only version. Stacked in DSS with flats & bias applied but no darks :D. Poorly processed in PS but I'm improving slowly.


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