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Mars & Phobos


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Not a bad shot Simon. What time and date (UT) did you catch this?

Thanks Rob

It was taken on the 05-03-12 at 22-27-58, checked out on stellarium the exact time and it was in the same positon.

Quite suprised when it appeared because i believe they are very small with a visual mag of about 13. SIMON.

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Strange one Simon :D:icon_scratch:

I have checked out 2 programs (winJUPOS and Starry Night) and both put Phobos up near the NPC, but Starry Night shows no bright stars in the vicinity of your object either:icon_scratch: An hour earlier puts the Moon in a better position but still a lot North of your object

I have seen many posts where people have set out to deliberately capture the Moons of Mars (even tried myself recently without success) and it requires massively overexposing Mars, as well as a lot of space between the Moon's and Mars.

I'm a bit stumped :headbang::confused: I'm not saying it isn't Phobos but I would be amazed if it were:)


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That looks like a "hot pixel" to me? Did you align on it? as normally stacking would smear it out ??

I aligned using centre of gravity setting was not visible on avi but could be hot pixel its probably the only explanation. Simon.

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It's wierd Simon :D

In that last shot it looks like a classic hot pixel, but it shouldn't look so clearly defined from a stack :headbang: only from a single frame, or a stack of full unaligned frames :)

Even in your first pic, a hot pixel should be smeared out of existance unless you have fantastic tracking ;)

Can you see anything in the AVI?

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It's wierd Simon :D

In that last shot it looks like a classic hot pixel, but it shouldn't look so clearly defined from a stack :headbang: only from a single frame, or a stack of full unaligned frames :)

Even in your first pic, a hot pixel should be smeared out of existance unless you have fantastic tracking ;)

Can you see anything in the AVI?

Nothing on the avi Rob, I looked into it all last night its not impossible to get the moons with a decent size scope but like you say usualy have to massivly over expose to do so, even gone through all my optics today to check but its all good ? SIMON.

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