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Balancing really affecting my star shape

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I've been struggling with star elongation since a started imaging a few weeks ago. Last night I managed to get guiding working for the first time and to my initial dismay my first 5 minute exposures had shocking elongation. During the session I had purposely balanced my RA axis towards the counter weights (west) after reading this can improve things, so straight away I moved the weights back towards the scope and this time the stars were a lot sharper.

I guess my question is this. How am I meant to know where to balance the scope to get perfect stars? Is it a case of checking the image and then adjusting as needed? It seems quite a slow time consuming way of doing things.

Any help and advise much appreciated.

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I think that you have it about right, it will be different depending on scope, mount etc. Really, it is just a matter of trial and error :D

Ok, so once I hit the sweet spot for my equipment I should be good to go? Does it change depending on where the scope is pointing?

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