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power tanks

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I really don't know mate, sorry, but I took a lot of people's advice from here and just got one of these from Maplin. Cheaper than the brand power packs and Maplin do even cheaper models than this too.

Runs my scope for a whole evening and can also charge other things from USB slots at same time. Will jump start ya car too if need be icon12.gif

5-in-1 Jump Starter with Digital Air Compressor : Jump Starters : Maplin Electronics

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I made the mistake of buying the Celestron power tank - first dew ridden night it knocked out half the features of it including the main light and one of the ciggy lighter sockets.

I subsequently got a Maplins "5 in 1" when it was half the price of the powertanks (on offer) and it's lasted well for a couple of years so far. It's still £40-£50 cheaper even at full price but watch for the special offers they do now and again :)

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Does anyone know if the celestron 17Ah power tank is the same as the Skywatcher 17Ah power tank as the specs look the same to me?:)

Try your local ALDI store, last week they were doing an excellent 17ah power tank for £34.99, bought one myself and so far works great. Also has a 3 year warranty. Check out this link

ALDI - Thursday Special Buys 1st March 2012


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Thanks all of you for the good advice it is appreciated. Been having some "no response 16/17" on the handset and slewing not stopping. Scopes brand new so I think it could be the power tank had it a few years and part of that time it stood still for 9 months. What do you think?


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To my knowledge, a battery like that needs using and recharging fairly often. If left unused for any period of time, it will need fully charging every 2 months or so. That is standard manufactuers' advice. How realistic that is, I'm not sure.

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I asked about the SW powertanks a few weeks ago and was advised to avoid it.

I went for the Maplin one in the end Heavy-Duty 5-in-1 Jump Starter : Jump Starters : Maplin Electronics

Glad that I did, it works fine. Been using it a couple of weeks now and still not had to recharge it yet.

I did see one in Poundstretcher last week for 30 quid. Not sure if its any good though.

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