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Reflector + Accessories maintenance

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Assuming all reflectors and lenses will have the same maintenance, please tell me if I'm wrong.

How do you clean your reflector telescope, barlows, lenses, etc?

Do you buy cleaning kits or do you have a simple solution with basic cleaning equipment?

Based on usage and storage, what is the best thing to prevent going through most of maintenance?

Anything else on scope and mount that will need maintenance?

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A lot of folk swear by baader wonder fluid for getting finger marks off lenses although it's better not to get fingers on them avoid cleaning mirrors unless you really have to if you can see the dirt in your view it's time to clean if not don't do it. As to other mantenance it depends on what type of mount you are using. I put a little grease on any knobs that need tightening by hand but make sure its only a spot you don't want greasy hands when handling optics but I always find a little grease makes the knobs tighter and also easier to loosen edit Just to be clear I mean knobs on the mount do not put grease on any barlow screws greas and optics are not a good mix

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