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would this camera be ok for astrophotgraphy

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Hi all could you please tell me if this camera will be ok for astrophotgraphy? Canon EOS 1000D ?

ive got a 8inch dobsonian scope i realize i need a goto mounted scope but i know i can still take photos of the moon until i can afford another scope so i can get into astrophotography.i never reaslized when i bought my dob i needed goto.i should of asked and did my homework.:)

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1000D will be good for astrophotography since it has live view, many people use it. Even if your dob had goto it would still be incapable of doing long exposures, for that you need an equatorial mount.

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thanks i go ahead and buy one i stupidly bought the wrong camera yesterday again not asking(finepix s9500) expensive mistake.i look into that remote control thing when i figure out what it does tinker 1947:-) thanks for the link

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thanks ags,i really need to look up on mounts i thought a equatorial mount was a goto mount,blimey im a complete novice when it comes to astronomy, i now realize i should of asked many questions instead going out there and buying a fairly big telescope.books and photos can give people wrong impression of just exactly what they can see :-) but im impressed with my scope.but i really want get into astrophotography

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The problem with your Dob is not that it has no Go To. That's a convenience for astrophotography but not a necessity. The problem is that it is alt-azimuth mounted and not motorized and not autoguided. To get your head round these three things you really need to do your homework, as you say, and a very good place to start would be with Steve Richards' book Making Every Photon Count.

Astrophotography is done on driven equatorial (not alt-az) mounts and at any kind of serious level the mounts in question are autoguided, though you can certainly start without that. Make no mistake, astrophotography is a palaver, and expensive!


ollypenrice's Photos

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Im sorry carl i not sure what a OTA is,making myself look a pillack now lol.

ive ordered a book called making every photon count.i never realized it could be expensive id be happy if i can take photos of the moon, saturn,jupiter,m42 with my scope,obviously deep space stuff way out my league,i can only admire the great photos you lads put up on here.

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OTA is just the tube assembly. If the 1.25" adaptor on the focuser unscrews (where you pop the eyepiece in) you just need a T-ring to connect the 1000D to the focuser. I think you made a wise choice buying that book and you will learn a lot from it I am sure :)

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yeah it unscrews carl :-) yep i lot to learn haha,whod of thought how hard it would be,honestly thought it was point the scope witha camera on click,job done.i read that book:-)

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It is worth pointing out that astrophotography is divided into several disciplines. With just the DSLR, a tripod and a good lens like the cheap 50mm F1.8 you can take great widefield shots of the milky way, comets and constellations. Attach the DSLR to a small scope or a fast camera lens on an equatorial mount and you can do deep sky photograpy. Attach the DSLR to your dob and you can take good photos of the moon. Attach a webcam to a scope with tracking (EQ or Alt Az) and you can take detailed images of planets.

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thanks to all.im starting to know exactly what im getting myself into now.i wouldnt be happy with just photos of the moon,could anyone recommend the best scope with goto so i can deep space photography,what could i get for around £500 anything?

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Keep the tube and put the £500 towards a mount? You could probably get a second hand HEQ5 synscan for £500 which you could put the 8" tube on. You would need a dovetail and some tube rings for that also.

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