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Neighbours Lighting


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I was wondering what other members have done about blocking out their neighbour's security lights and general lighting from neighbours.

Have you raised the fences around your gardens?

I ask because our neighbour at the back has security lights and a girl that turns them on to smoke outside, a lot.

Also our next door neighbour has skylights in their extension which have been under my view of Orion for a couple of weeks.

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If there are specific solvable problems, then it might better to try to get the neighbours to do something about them. But if the problem is genral, fences are better.

I had a neighbour who decided to fit a powerful light to illuminate all the way to a stable at the bottom of his garden. Stupid idea, walking into a bright light all the way back up the garden, but....Anyway I told him the problems it was causing and he now has it on a 1 hour timer. Better than nothing.

My next move will be to ask him to alter the angle so it intrudes less into my garden.

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Thanks David, we have already had the security lights angled down, shame thier girl smokes so much and talks absolute rubbish on her phone :-)

Thanks Tyr, I don't know if I'll be going that far :-) BTW are you a member of any of the clubs in Reading? What are they like if so? Friendly bunch?


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I use the same method as post #7, plus politely asking my neighbours if they could help by cutting down on outside lights, and closing curtains.

Have had a good response, and do them a favour by feeding their cats when they are away etc. Good relations go a long way when asking about lights.

As annoying as excess lighting is, most people will have no idea their lights could be a problem, so explain as diplomatically as possible.

Good luck, Ed.

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My neighbours have been excellent. At first they were curious as to why i was putting a box with a red filter over one of my lights in the garden (i cant switch it off without downing the breaker, thus putting out other lights), it is handy with the filter so i can see where im stumbling in the garden. So curiosity was a passing comment as i was going into my car the next day, when one neighbour joked "was i opening a brothel" LOL, when i explained and invited him over to see through the telescope, he was more than keen to help. He now lets me pop another filter over his light when im out back, in return for a nosey through my scope if hes around. The other neighbour also loves a peer at the heavens, and before going to work (mostly nightshift) switches all his back lights out, even if its not clear skies. My major problem is i have a recycling centre about 300 -500 meters away with mega bright lights that light my back house wall. A letter to the council has had no response, and a 2nd is on its way more strongly worded, as their lights shine directly into my daughters bedroom, so finger crossed.

My advice is get the neighbours involved with bad lights, even just for a peek through your scope every now and again, and show them how much a light affects the viewing -- its amazing the results. I even go as far a dropping in pictures of my night captures for them, that gets them hooked even more


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