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One month into the new scope and I finally got to see Saturn (not been staying up late enough coupled with constant cloud cover since I got the 6SE). All I can say is "WOW!". Got great(ish) views of it through my 9mm ep. I was all a quiver last month when I saw Jupiter and the 4 moons but I think this tops it.

Would stay all night if I could but work dictates that it's time for bed. Saturn's rings have captivated me since I was a small lad. It is such an iconic image of space and always the first planet my eye was drawn to when looking at pictures of the solar system in encylopedias etc

Waited until now, into my 40's, but finally took my interest out of the pages of a book and TV documentaries and into my back garden. Brilliant!

Also, had a wonderful long look at the moon, which was wiping everything else out in that vicinity anyway. Made the most of it. Fantastic, even if seeing was all that good. Won't be able to sleep now icon7.gif

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It is such an iconic image of space and always the first planet my eye was drawn to when looking at pictures of the solar system in encylopedias etc
think you put it very well with that statement. it has to be the one planet to give that feeling of. ... wow... that really is out of this world! ;)
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Cos I'm all man flu'd up, I woke up at 230am half dying last night and after a while I got out of bed and went out for a peep. Glad I did. She's a sight and a half. So worth dragging myself out of bed for. Very WOW!

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