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Lunar image colour problem

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Well as at that scale the moon doesn't have much colour, unless you take lots of shorts in raw, boost each colour and then stack, you're not going to see much colour, it's just grey. So why not just desaturate it? Won't have to completely, but you can reduce the colour tinge to a huge degree with just that.

As you only really see detail on the peaks and troths of the surface, where light hits highs and shadows are cast in the lows, your issue looks a little like chromatic aberrations, but it's not, so don't follow any guides on reducing that.

You can shift the entire hue in photo shop, or something like Lightroom is excellent for desaturating specific colour channels.

A couple of my moon shots show this pretty well, the colour that the moon does have, heavily boosted, and the "white balance" it should have when no apparent colour cast is present.

The moon is very bright, though, so not usually much need for stacking, I'd avoid it if possible for the moon.

Shot 1

The Moon (31st January 2012)

Shot 2

Moon in colour

Shot 3

Moon again

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How does the stack look without the RGB align? I often find that RGB align is fine for planets but actually not much use for the Moon. You may find that auto colour in Photoshop or a histogram colour align in something like GIMP (freeware) will do the job much better.

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Thanks everyone for your help.

Not using RGB align did not make any difference.

Using desaturate on the image was very effective, but the way to go for me is processing the avi in RegiStax in B & W.

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