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Sky-Watcher Skyliner-200P Classic Parabolic Dobsonian Telescope - extras

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Hi I am very new to astronomy and having read lots of reviews and advice on this forum, i am going to buy the 8inch dob skywatcher. I would be grateful for advice re extras (viewer scope/collimator etc) that would be useful/essential- or whether to play for a while and then see.

many thanks in advance

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Many seem to be dissapointed in the 10mm eyepiece supplied with these scopes so might be good to get a better quality replacement. A Cheshire collimator is a good idea too. Other than that a cloud-destroying machine would be nice.

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Play for a while then see.

You will in due course want to upgrade eyepieces and maybe invest in a cheshire, maybe even a new finder, but first give a chance to the gear you've got. The disappointment felt by many first-time users has more to do with inexperience and unrealistic expectations, rather than inadequacy of equipment.

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Hi drstevo, I asked exactly the same question a week or so ago, wanting to know what to buy to go with 200p. Everyone said hang on and see what you're interested in before buying anything else. I've ordered 200p and a cheshire collimator today but have a few suggestions for the future. I think it's a question of not being too hasty!

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I have the same scope and the only extras ive bought is a moon filter, but only because observing the moon hurt my eyes without it.

I think during the summer i will start to upgrade my ep's and maybe mod the dob base with a wixey and setting circle

either way you have a great scope so just get used to using it first

clear skies

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