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first go at M42 with modded SPC900

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Hi there,

the very first try of capturing something on my SPC900 mono CCD chip...

no time for FLATS; DARKS; BIAS. And, don't own a filter wheel - so only IR filter...

All these pics are either 10x5s subs stacked in registax or 10x20s subs.

Realised, that my Mak127 on a Alt-Az mount is so not able to do any DSO work... still it was fun to see something, that you can't on observing!!!

Ahm - how do you guys actually get such crisp and colourful stars in all of your pictures??? Mine just stay white blobs (and then I can add colour in GIMP).

Much appreciated for any comments.


here's waiting for better wheather




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You've got quite a nice result there. The cloud around the trapezium stars shows quite a lot of detail. You might have got the e and f stars too but they seem to be over shadowed by their bright neighbours. This might be because of the focus being a tiny bit off or just the brightness of those larger stars, hard to tell. If you stacked another 50 or so subs I think you will have a very nice result - just goes to show what can be achieved with a webcam!

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