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Just purchased a 250px flexi goto

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It should arrive in March this is my 1st scope what are the best additions to purchase 1st I will have about £70 to spend initially

Also I know this scope only comes with one cap can you buy a second for the upper tube.


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If it doesn't have a cover between the top and bottom sections to prevent light getting in, i would think it will need one..Maybe a Telrad there very good for moving to DSO locations, and when the wallet is topped up a wide EP, i use a Baader 36mm and the DSO's that it gets right on the edge of the FOV has saved me hours in what would have been harder DSO'ing, just check with the supplier that should this size EP not suit your Scope you can swap it for something a bit smaller..

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Heh, aperture fever from the start - I like it :D I'm sure you'll get all sorts of opinions, but have a think about a couple of extra eyepieces, the BST explorers seem good value for money, and a few guys on here rate them 1.25" Eyepieces other than that a Telrad would be top of my list First Light Optics - Telrad Finder

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I have the 200p flex auto and I would say the first thing is a power supply, then a decent barlow. I am currently making a truss shroud for mine and if it goes well I may make them to order as I think the astrozap is way over priced. A couple of EPs, the 10mm that you get is a bit fuzzy so a decent 6mm or 8mm and a 32mm. As for the tube covers mine has a shower cap type thing on the top and I've just ordered one of these for when I put it away, not sure if it will fit the 250 though. I find my finder scope amazingly acurate, I can get something on the cross and it will be there at 10mm+2xbarlow in the focuser.

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