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Barlow for 250 Dob - old SW one OK?

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My SW 250 Dob comes without a barlow, without one I feel 'underpowered' as I had one with my SkayHawk 1145 so had 200X.

I am going to sell my old SkyHawk 1145 which came with standard SW x2 Barlow and which I am used to using for planets etc.

Should I sell the hawk without the barlow, keep it myself and accept a lower price.

OR Sell hawk with barlow to get the best price and then use funds to buy a better barlow or a 6/7mm EP? I have read that fast dobs need good quality barlows

I guess it comes down to how good the supplied barlow is as I have read that fast dobs need good quality barlows?

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Eastridge, I have a £15 siebens 2x barlow and a TAL 3x barlow. The difference in quality is really marked. I never use the cheap one now, in fact I am just about to turn it into an extension tube :D

I would let the scope go with the SW barlow and get a decent one.

One other thing, I have a 6mm eyepiece and I have had it for a long time using it with my previous 150 and now the 250. It's not often the atmosphere is good enough for it to be any use. You might have a lovely accessory that sits in a box most of the year.

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Thanks Chris, I have decided to do as you suggest and sell skyhawk with that barlow.

If the 6mm is too much for most days what do you find best for planets etc. I understand the 10mm that came with the 250 isn't rated so will probably look to replace with something up to c. £50 with the highest usable mag - usable both with conditions & the exit pupils of a mid 40's / early 50s couple.

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It's odd the standard 25mm seems to be pretty good yet the 10mm isn't up to much.

I recently bought a Meade 4000 32mm for about £42 I think after seeing it quite well rated on some threads. It is much better than my skywatcher eyepieces. I tend to use that with my TAL 3x barlow when I want more magnification as the result is better than the 10mm. I think I'll go with the 9.7mm version of the 4000 as my next addition. A few suppliers have it for £30 - although it's out of stock in the places I have been keeping a watch on.

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I think you've made the right decision about the barlow. The stock one is horrible and when you consider that Revelation make a pretty reasonable 2.5x barlow for something like £40, it's really not worth keeping.


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