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new Skywatcher Evostar 90 (EQ2)

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Hi have just set up my Skywatcher Evostar 90 (EQ2) and when the clouds clear apart from the moon will i be able to get a good image of what?

Is it worth going to a local club to find out more or can I just observe and learn myself.

What would be the best lens to start with 25mm 10 mm or put the barlow lens and 10mm all together?

any help on a postcard please?

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Start with the lowest magnification (the 25mm) then try the 10mm. Don't expect too much from the 10mm plus the 2x barlow - that's pushing things a bit.

A club will help develop your skills and knowledge faster but it's perfectly possible to be s "self developer" in the hobby - that's what I've done.

A good guide to the night sky like "Turn Left at Orion" and a good planetarium software package like Stellarium are almost essential tools to learning.

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Start with the 25mm, try the 10mm.

Really would expect the 10mm and the barlow to be a waste of time.

Get a book that shows the constellations and what is in each.

Stand out in the freezing cold and work out a few basic constellations and so where DSO's and double stars should be them. Start with 4 or 5 constellations.

Then point the finder scope, and so the main scope, at the object you want. You have set up the finder and main scope haven't you ?

Sounds immensly easy.

Can be utterly frustrating.

Save money, buy additional items. Probably new eyepieces.

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The barlow effectively doubles the focal length of the scope (or halves the eyepiece size making a 10mm equal to 5mm). It has the effect of magnifying the object and in the case of your scope would be 180x. I've not used your scope but I'd guess you don't want to go higher than that. And with the supplied 10mm it will be very dim and grainy viewing. :)

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