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Eta Orionis Double


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It is a close one - about 1.6 arc seconds separation. I can split it cleanly with my ED120 refractor @ 180x or more. My 102mm ED shows them as a "kissing double", ie: the two airey disks are touching.

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SkyTools shows Eta Orionis as a triple system:

AB: 3.35+4.89 mag, DA 5, ADS 4002, B=HIP 25281

PA 78° Sep 1.70" (2003) : splittable currently (splittable at best)

AC: 3.35+9.4 mag, H 6 67, ADS 4002, C=H 6 67C

PA 53° Sep 116.80" (1977) : obvious split currently (obvious split at best)

1.7" is pretty darned tight..."kissing double" as John described is pretty good.

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