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Autoguiding for the Eq6


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I have just received my secondhand EQ6 Pro mount.

As I am interested in starting Astro Photography I am looking at the options of an autoguiding system for longer exposure shots using my Eq6.

Can any explain and reccomend such a system for my Eq6?

Happy stargazing.

It was -28 °c here this morning I think I will browse Stellarium instead.




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-28 wow! :). Many people use an ST80 for a guidescope. It is fast, and cheap. For a guide camera, the QHY5 is fairly ubiquitous as well. Of course there are other options. You'll either need to mount the guidescope piggyback style on top of your imaging scope, or side by side using as suitable side by side bar.

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The QHY5 on an 8x50 Skywatcher guidescope (as a finderguider) is also an excellent solution. You probably already have the finderscope if you have a 200P, so you'll just need an adapter.

It also has the advantage that it is less heavy and there is no need to buy a dual plate (which are also heavy - mine is almost 4Kg). This may be important if your main imaging camera is a heavyweight.

It's what I use, and you don't need rings with this solution either - I have never failed to get a guidestar without adjustment.

I think Orion also market this package as their "magnificent mini".

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