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supplied eye pieces any good?

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hi every1 i have been trying my new SW 150p dob out for a few nights now and i am very pleased and i even managed to collimate it myself with a pin hole cap not that hard realy. now ive had some fairly goods views of jupiter and moons with the 25mm lense but the 10mm dosent seem to be very clear. so i was just wondering is it me or are the eye pieces rubish?

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It's not you.

That leaves the other option.

Worth considering a couple of reasonable eyepieces.

GSO plossl's are fair, depending on the f number of the scope.

Plossl's give little eye relief at the shorter end.

Many are getting the BST explorers, an 8mm and say 12mm should go well, the 5mm may be too much. Worth considering later perhaps.

BST's come in 5, 8, 12, 15, 18, 25mm.

£41 at Sky's the Limit.

Other options are the TMB II's that are available, more choice in focal lengths especially at the smaller end. Same place, £39.

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well im glad you think the same SKYGAZER. like you say the 25mm seems to be pretty good but the 10mm a bit blurry and hard to focus your eye on. thanks for the recomendations CAPRICORN do you think a 2x barlow would be any good?

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I found the supplied eyepieces to be fine to get me going, and I spent many nights using them. Taking for granted that you leave your telescope enough time to cool, one more thing to consider is the viewing conditions may not allow the use of the 10mm, or if you do choose to use it you get a mushy view.

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no you should be able to go higher, it's more the quality of the standard kit EP's that are shocking...as others have said the 25mm SW is fine but the 10mm leaves a lot to be desired. Average good 'useful' magnification in the UK is 200x but you can take it higher when the seeing's good.

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i read somewhere that if you have a 150mm apeture scope you can only go up to 150x magnification is that true?

hi there ,

that is rough guide , the seeing conditions in most of the uk are avarage , so the x150 for your scope will work every night you are out , there will be the odd night when you can push it a bit more , up to 180x , or if in the highlands or darkest wales maybe even 200x :icon_salut:

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