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NGC2174 - Monkey Head Nebula in SII:Ha:OIII


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I managed to get some OIII and SII data to add to the Ha that I got a week or so ago. Both the OIII and SII are far weaker than the Ha but both have different structures to contribute to the final image. This was taken over three nights in January and February with the Takahashi FSQ106ED f5, FLI ML8300 on a Paramount ME auto guided by a Lodestar and OAG using dithering. 5nm narrow band filters were used

Exposure details are as follows

Ha - 10x30 minutes

OIII - 6x30 minutes

SII - 7x30 minutes

I will be adding more OIII and SII when it is next clear as these two channels are quite noisy still due to the extra stretching required. This is a crop of the final image to show the main detail. Somebody on another forum said they couldn't see the monkeys head so for their benefit, the head is in profile and the monkey is looking toward the left!

The Ha channel and another much earlier image can be seen in the image gallery on my website Imaging The Heavens - Home Page

A full size image can be seen at the following link

NGC2174 - Monkey Head Nebula in HST palette photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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