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Finder/Small refractor

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Hello guys, I want to swap out the stock finder on my CPC1100. Don't know what to do - whether to get a true "finder" or maybe go for a small refractor like....

First Light Optics - William Optics Megrez 72 FD DDG APO

Woudl such a small refractor need a finder of its own though? Would it be too powerful to be a finder for the SCT?

Also, if I chose the refractor route I would this scope to be my first wide-field step into AP at some point too on a GEM I will buy. So it will double up a "finder" on the SCT and also a small refractor on a GEM for wide-field AP.

Any opinions or thoughts appreciated guys.


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It would be fine with a widefield EP. Like Mr Spock I loved using an 80mm finder on my 20 inch but unfortunately I was out-voted by guests who are used to inverted image, smaller finders and I took it off. For myself, I'd bung it back on tomorrow!

And yes again to the ZS70 for deep sky widefield. I started with a ZS66 and this should be better. Glory be, it has an R and P focuser so that should be an improvement. I don't thnk anyone has got an image through one yet but I'd expect this to be a good 'un.

As a finder you'd need fine control of its alignment, somehow. Maybe just shims under the foot would get you close enough.


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