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Considering upgrading of eyepieces

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I am considering upgrading some eyepieces, and interested in comments & advice.

Currently, I have a number of SW Super plossl (10mm, 17mm, 25mm & 32mm), and recently bought an 8mm BST Explorer ED 60 degree from Sky's the Limit at £41.00. I was blown away by the superior quality views through my refractor at objects like the moon & Jupiter over the SW super plossl EP's.

I am considering in getting the 25mm & either the 15mm or 18mm to view DSO's as well as planetary observing. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of the BST Explorer ED 60 degree EP's and can recommend which sizes I should consider?

Thanks in advance.

Andy - Milton Keynes

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Hi Andy, We have the same scope, and I also have a 8mm BST on the way to me from skies the limit (great minds and all that :D) I do also have a GSO 32mm, which I really like for wide field views. The SW 25mm isn't too bad IMO, but the 10mm is pretty poor. From the comments/reviews on SGL I understand that the other BST's are good eyepieces. Also, do you have a barlow lens? All the best :( CW

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I have the SW Deluxe 2X Barlow, but seen good reviews of the Tal 2X, so considering that as next upgrade purchase.


Not sure what the SW barlow is like compared to the Tal, I have the Tal (x2) and it is a good barlow for the money. As I mentioned before, the 10mm SW is probably the worst of the bunch, so it may be worth trying to barlow the 25 & 32mm SW's to get 12.5 & 16X and experiment a bit to see which you use the most often. You may find that you are ok with them all, or just want to replace a particular one. With the SW's and the 8mm BST, you certainly have a good range of eyepieces. CW

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Hi Andy, I've taken delivery of a BST Explorer ED 8mm today. I haven't had a chance to try it out tonight due to the cloud. I noticed that the eye cup twists up/down. I take it this is for focusing? The EPs that came with my SW 200p do not have any adjustment so I just wondered about the procedure for focusing with a BST? Do you focus with the OTA focuser 1st and then with the BST explorer? Thanks Dave

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I think so please don't quote me on this the eye cups are not specifc to focussing. The eye cups are for the eye relief whilst observing, and people wearing glasses and not touch the EP glass lens. The larger SW super plossl EP's also have the rubber eye cups.

I have a refractor so the focussing is all done from the focusser on the OTA.


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The twist up eye cup enables you to find the most comfortable and effective position for your eye each time you use the eyepiece. This will vary a little person to person. Once you find a position you like, adjust the cup so that you find the same position consistently rather than having to "search" for it.

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Hi Andy & John, thanks for update on my question. I gave the BST ED 8mm it's first tryout last night. The views through it were fantastic in comparison to the supplied EPs. I could see craters within craters on the moon. I also took a look at the Orion nebula and the 4 trapezium stars were shown up well within the dust cloud. I could also see a bit more of the bands on Jupiter but by that time it was over the houses so the heat rising affected the view a bit. It was cold last night which maybe helped in the views of the moon. Thanks again. Dave

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Congrats on the new purchase. I think the BST Explorer ED 60 are excellent EP's hence the reason I am considering getting other sizes to replace the super plossls. Bonus that they are very affordable and don't break the bank.


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