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Heritage 130P v SkyMax 127 v Explorer 150

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SGLers, please give me the benefit of your advice!

As a newbie, I did my homework (I thought) and decided that the Skywatcher Heritage 130P Flex was a suitable beginner scope for me. Portability, good optics for Moon/Planets and even DSO's it seems.

However, I forgot to take into account that a small Dob mount needs something to rest on to make it usable for a tall person. I've tried tables and chairs and really they're not comfortable for me - I need to stand (or perch).

I saw in another thread that the mounting would fit an AZ4, so I thought that'd be the route to go....until I did the maths (£) and saw that this will be a £300+ bodged set-up.

I then did a re-think and if I'm to spend this sort of money, then possibly either:

1. Skywatcher Skymax 127 (EQ3-2) >£300


2. Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2 <£300

and then I saw

2a. Skywatcher Explorer 150PL EQ3-2 as another option (=slower F/8 scope so less critical on EPs?).

Originally I was placing a big emphasis on portability, hence the 127, but thinking about it, provided the scope and tripod can be separated, then the Explorers might be a better bet in that respect.

Really not interested in GoTo or even motor drives at this stage, but photos of Moon/Planet via DSLR might be an early "want to do".

So, thoughts anyone?? Please........

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Steve, Thanks for replying. 1200mm is probably a bit big.

What EPs (size) do you find you're using most, please?

Rowan, Yes Moon/LX (without motor drive) - of course you're right. I think no more than "snaps" will be taken until I get a lot more comfortable with just "viewing".

My gut is now telling me that the Explorer 150P is the more attractive option for my beginner needs (and I'm not fazed by collimation icon7.gif).

Then I have a bit left for EPs :D

More suggestions/comments welcomed..........

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I keep the 150p on an eq3-2 by the back door and can lift the whole lot out, no problem. The PL is a longer tube but may still be doable.

The 127 mak is better for planets but the 150p is ace for use in the backyard on all targets.

For single "snaps" through a dslr it's not bad - see below - but you could achieve a lot more with multiple stacked images.

I don't think you'll be disappointed with either option!


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The MAK 127 is a good all round scope and portable too, enjoy using mine a lot!

Hmmn, the size does appeal (physically and F/L'lly), but at £100 extra over the Explorer coupled with the complexity of the internals v the Explorer (everything reachable) is making me side with the Explorer ATM. Thanks for the comment.

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.... the 150p is ace for use in the backyard on all targets.

Yes, that's what I want "all targets"!

For single "snaps" through a dslr it's not bad

What setup (EP/Camera/attachment) did you use for that photo, please?

"Stacking" will have to come (much) later, I think.

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for that pic i used a dslr at "prime focus". Which means you attach the camera straight onto the focuser with no lens / eyepiece involved.

It's easy to set up! The standard eyepiece holder that comes with the explorers (below) unscrews into 2 parts. The part that goes into the focuser also has a t-mount thread on it. You then need a t-mount adapter for whichever camera you have (a sony alpha in my case).

The pic on the right shows the eyepiece holder and focuser screwed together and the one on the left shows the t-mount attached to the part that goes in the focuser.

It's easier that it sounds! :D



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Thanks for that.

As soon as I posted, I thought EP......noobie mistake!

Anyhoo, am about to order the 150P and am sure (now) that that'll be fine for me.

I guess it is also possible to use a Barlow (x2) in the setup - is it worthwhile?

Thanks again for getting back to me.

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The 150P is a better alrounder than the Skymax 127. With a 2x barlow, you get the same focal length plus the extra light gathering. the 150PL is quite a long tube to mount on the EQ3-2 but the 150P is fine for visual, a few quick snaps and with the motors and a good polar alignment you can even get some reasonable basic deep sky images.

I use both of these scopes on my AZ4 now rather than the EQ3-2.

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The 150P is a better alrounder than the Skymax 127. .......................I use both of these scopes on my AZ4 now rather than the EQ3-2.

Rik, That was my thinking and much simpler to maintain/adjust etc if required.

As to the AZ4 - that's what started my re-think of my whole purchase and ended up with me deciding on the 150P + EQ3-2.

Now if you've got an EQ3-2 going spare..........:D

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The advantage of the PL is that its central obstruction is smaller, and less barlowing is needed for planetary photography. I had a 6" F/8 and its sharpness on planets was great. Visually, it was very good on all but the widest DSOs. The P is of course more compact, but does require better EPs (on the whole).

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The advantage of the PL is that its central obstruction is smaller, and less barlowing is needed for planetary photography.... The P is of course more compact, but does require better EPs (on the whole).

Michael, I did think long and hard about the PL and its better EP tolerance, but decided that the extra length would be too much.

Am learning v quickly that everything to do with Astronomy is about compromises.

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Michael, I did think long and hard about the PL and its better EP tolerance, but decided that the extra length would be too much.

Am learning v quickly that everything to do with Astronomy is about compromises.

We are simply spoiled for choice, aren't we? The 150P is a very good all-round performer, and nice and compact.

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