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Hi all, Last night I tried to find the above but really struggled. Is it a difficult target or am I missing? Does it hide close in to M31, or is there visible dark sky between them as Stellarium suggests? I know where it should be but can't see it! Seeing seemed to be ok but not brilliant.

Any tips besides keep looking :)

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M110 is a companion to M31, and sets rather close to the arms from our angle of view. However, since the core of M31 is somewhat brighter than the arms, visually there is a fair amount of darker sky between the two galaxies.

You should be able to see both M32 and M110, if you know exactly where to look, and have suitably dark skies in which to search for them.

I have found both satellites to be rather easy with an 8 inch SC, but somewhat more difficult with anything smaller. YMMV , as they say over here ( your mileage may vary ! in other words, you might have a different experience ) Keep looking, once you see it, it will be easier to spot the next time .

Jim S.

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