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If you're considering the colored glass filters for planets, I highly suggest you wait and observe the planet carefully first. The differences in contrast mentioned in the literature and reviews is very very subtle and can easily be missed by the inexperienced. Get to know Jupiter, Mars and the others first, THEN add filters to ever so slightly augment the features mentioned in reviews, such as clouds on Mars or bands on Jupiter.

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What are you going to use the filters for? For planets, the only one I have got much use out of is the yellow filter, which slightly improves the bands on Jupiter. I could make out U2 and UB40 much more clearly with this filter. On Mars I could see a little more surface detail. On Saturn, I found it dimmed the planet too much, but that is a factor of the size of my scope, and my godawful eyesight.

On the Moon, I often use Green or Orange to improve the contrast of the maria on the fully sunlit parts of the Moon.

I have a UHC filter which helps with things like M40 or M27. I also have a 2" minus violet filter which I put in the male end of my 2" diagonal on my refractor, and just left there, to help deal with false colour. Works very well.

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