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Strange clouds?


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I was just looking at the sky at sunset and it was massively windy. The some of the clouds weren't just being swept sideways but upwards as well, I'll post a pic at the next chance I get but has anyone seen clouds that were being swept upward before?

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Sort of, yesterday at 4ish, I saw what I first thought were contrails. The cloud had extended to circumscribe a rugby ball shape, but also had two weaker outlines further out.

It caught my eye for two reasons, if they were contrails, it was a crazy flight pattern and also, this was the only "cloud" formation in an otherwise clear sky. they only lasted a few minutes after noticing them.

Of course, I have no pictures.

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Sort of, yesterday at 4ish, I saw what I first thought were contrails. The cloud had extended to circumscribe a rugby ball shape, but also had two weaker outlines further out.

It caught my eye for two reasons, if they were contrails, it was a crazy flight pattern and also, this was the only "cloud" formation in an otherwise clear sky. they only lasted a few minutes after noticing them.

Of course, I have no pictures.

I'm on my phone and can't confirm what im saying, but what you mentioned could be "crows wing vortecies" I might be wrong on the name. I saw some today when a planes contrails made horse shoe shapes with twirls at either end. Was amazing, never seen anything like it. When i get to a pc I'll try find the proper term, I feel I'm wrong on that.

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