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Yet another beginner looking for scope advice! <£300

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My name is Carl, I am new to the group and I am looking to buy my first telescope. I am relatively new to this hobby but have spent the last year learning my way around the night sky with the naked eye and a pair of 10 x 50 binos.

I have read too much!!! Too many reviews, too many website and now utterly confused and worried that I am about the buy the wrong this.

I have seen a 102mm Meade Starnavigator for £299 at TH. I nearly bought it today - but wonder if this is exactly the same scope others seem to be picking up at Costco for £150? I don't have a Costco card so buying from there would probably not be an option for me but it does make we wonder if the scope is really worth the £300 asking price :)

Scopes on my list currently, having seen a few 'in the flesh' today are (in no priority order):

  • Meade Starnavigator 102mm Refractor here
  • Meade 80mm ETX80 here
  • Skywatcher Skyhawk 1145P SynScan Reflector here
  • Skywatcher AZ Goto SynScan Startravel 102mm Refractor here

I would appreciate any comparative comments on the above 'scopes. Any thoughts on which is the better of the two Goto systems - the Skywatcher or the Meade? I know the 'talking feature' on the Meade will add nothing to the optical quality but the audio tours might add to the family enjoyment, particularly for our young children?

Is there anything else obvious I am looking off my list above? I must admit I haven't had a serious look at the Celestron range for example.

My price range is up to £300 and I am looking for something which can easily fit onto the backseat of a small car for ease of transportation.

In terms of what the scope will be used for - well not entirely sure - which is why I am not spending a small fortune. In the first instance I just want to have a good look around the skies - at the moon, planets and brighter DSOs.

Very many thanks in advance for any help. Please help this beginner find away out of 'confused about which first scope to buy paralysis'!


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Hi Carl - I'm new to this aswel and have just bought my first scope and had the same budget as yourself for the same reasons.

I'm obviously only a beginner so my knowledge is not that great to put it mildly but as you have spent a year learning the skies with your bins would it not be an idea to spend more on the scope and optics itself rather than the Goto element. When I was doing my research I just felt it was best to start off with the best bang for buck scope I could get without breaking the bank to start off with and the computerised models - though a great feature - meant the scope itself was compromised when looking at any given range in the same price bracket.

Like I said I'm only starting out myself and others will have far more valid reasoning but just thought my two bobs worth might be worth thinking about as we are in the same position - good luck with it and let us know waht you decide none the less

cheers Steve

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