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Horizon bbc2 now


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It has already been announced that they have observed something that could be the Higgs but they are not going to declare until confirmed.

That's nothing new though - they said it could be there from the very start. Nature quite often doesn't follow the line that we think it will.

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Although I've enjoyed the programme, it's sooooo far beyond my comprehension it might as well been in a foreign language!

I can't begin to imagine how these guys brains work!

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It would be stupid to release a press statement claiming they'd found it without having the data to back it up, you could compare it to me releasing a statement claiming to have built a free energy machine, I would get laughed out of the room.

They've been quite careful about the data they've released, such as the particles looking like they travelled faster than light, they haven't claimed it happened, merely presented the data to the rest of the world, for peer review and comments and then taking stock of those comments to see if it's a real measurement or 'something else'.

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A lot of it seems to based on the theory known as Supersymmetry though (of which there is not even any experimental evidence) - this would mean the existence of matter before anti-matter which I find a bit strange. I guess we shall all have to wait and see, but im doubtful

It's a bit like ghosts for me - ill believe it when I see it :(

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That's nothing new though - they said it could be there from the very start. Nature quite often doesn't follow the line that we think it will.

The difference is that this time they HAVE observed something that backs up the prediction, which is, of course, the basis of scientific theory. They will not declare they have found the Higgs-Boson until the data has been thoroughly checked and they have replicated the tests.

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