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reflecting glare? filters?

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Sounds as if it is reflections within the eyepiece.

It could be an unpainted internal surface or scatter from the edges of the lens assuming they are not "painted" black.

Alternative causes are reflections along the scope itself. I don't know the details of the scope ypu have so unable to say specifically.

I would guess the eyepiece is the culprit.

Some people do take them apart, blacken appropriate areas and reassemble (they use a black permanent marker) but unless you know how to reassemble and the orientation of the lens (it does matter which way round they go) in the eyepiece it is not a good idea.

Could you borrow another eyepiece to try out and compare?

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i have this scope ,well my daughter does what do you mean by glare? is jupiter bright yellow in the ep?,or is there some light glare say from a street light? the ds2090 is it the 90mm refractor ,i have never had no probs like this could you give more details of the problem and scope and eps thanks

failibg that get a neodymium filter this is a all round filter good on planets the moon and some dso`s more info please scope eps and a little more on whats cause in the glare street light, the planet be in to bright to view


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im was using a 12mm ep, its the standard mead ep that came with the scope.

by means of glare im meaning like a ring of light around the object im looking at. the moon is fine but with smaller objects there seems to be glare while focusing. there is not much lighy pollution around my area.

thanks for the advice guys

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Sky-glow won't cause that: that's usually what we mean by light pollution.

I agree the culprit may well be the eyepiece but it's also possible it's your eyes. Get someone else to confirm it. With some eyepieces I get reflections between the eyepiece and my cornea. Check if it's that by trying your other eye and by moving your head and eye around.

Filters won't fix stuff like this. Not what they're for.

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