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Please Help - cannot upload image

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i do not know how to upload a picture i have taken to post in the images section

have registered with iseestars. username input in upload image section, tried both passwords, the account password and the email upload password, browse to my c drive to find image and hit upload and i get message that login details are incorrect. they are not i have checked.

do not know what i am doing wrong. assistance would be appreciated.

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tried logging in to iseestars direct and can do so without any problem.

does the image on my hard drive have to be below a certain size or does that just apply to the attachment section of new posts.

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mcut, the maximum image size with Isee Stars is 2mb for free accounts, if your images are above this you would receive an error message.

When you try to upload an image, what message do you receive?

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that is my first image, handheld over eyepiece.

i get message "Your login details were incorrect, please try again."

i have uploaded the picture correctly onto iseestars, i may be at cross purposes. i am trying to post an image onto stargazers lounge, do i do this by "click here to upload" under the new message details box or do i put a picture on stargazers lounge by attaching an image in additional options?

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its really up to you if you want it to be attached to the forum or to Isee Stars, Isee Stars can handle much larger image uploads though and is better at resizing images to make them suitable. The forum is fine for smaller images.

When you click "Click Here To Upload", you need to enter your Isee Stars username and password and not your forums, I've just tried it and its working fine here. If you still experience problems I will look into it some more for you.



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If you have managed to upload an image directly to iseestars you can manually craft the link for it to appear in your post as follows (you need to remove the * from the statement as these are only put in to show the text of the link)


which will appear as


Great image by the way


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If you replace /thumbnail/ with /large/ in your link you will link to the larger version.

if you enclose the statement with [*url=large image address][*img]small image address[*/img][*/url] don't forget to remove the * from the statement and it will appear as


If you use the quote button to reply to this message you will see the crafted link.


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