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Am I the only numpty who seems to always forget the Red Dot Finder is still on when he brings his equipment back inside? The amount of battery I must have wasted is silly. So I was thinking is there anyway to get one to auto switch off like you can do with lights?

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Am I the only numpty who seems to always forget the Red Dot Finder is still on when he brings his equipment back inside? The amount of battery I must have wasted is silly.

Not just you.:)

I buy CR2032s four at a time, because since I was stupid enough to sell my SW 9x50 finder, I no longer have a back up. Idiot.

I'm getting better though. Unnecessary expenditure focuses the mind, I'm finding...


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This is why I have a custom of physically removing batteries from the telrad when observation is done. It's a standard part of the "disassemble everything, pack in car" procedure. Otherwise I'd probably leave the sucker on for weeks. I still tend to do it with flashlights, though. Less of a problem, that :)

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I did, but now as part of the packaway process "checklist" which I never wrote down, must get around to that at some point, checking the RDF is there.I bought a strip of 10 CR2032's from ebay, and I'm on only my second one from that strip, so it must be working.

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