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Weekly Solar Report for December 11-16


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Im using the astro solar film, with a filter I got from OPT called "Astrozap" which comes in a gorgeous metal housing. I have a baader wedge on order, and that seems to be taking forever to arrive from germany! Lately, I have been testing white light filters for solar imaging, and found that the Baader continuum filter is a terrible filter for solar. Even a cheap green filter out does it. Why? were taking measurements right now with a spectrograph, and have found out so far that this filter has a huge red and IR leak, flooding the image with out of focus IR light. More on THAT later...

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I have always had my doubts about the continuum filter, which is why I bought a green one. Looks like I made the right decision. I have considered a baader wedge but I'm not sure whether the increase in image quality will justify the price. It would be nice to see a comparison, everything else being equal. Certainly your shots with the solar film are impressive..

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Chris, on the Baader site they show the spectral curve for this filter and it is very tight between 520-560nm. If yours is that badly defective you should return it to Baader immediately.

I have tried all sorts of coloured filters and the continuum filter wins hands down above all the rest, beautiful contrast, clarity and resolution. It sounds like you have a problem.


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Alexandra, I was able to complete a spectrographic scan of baaders ND filters, and found that they do not block IR at all. Just attenuate it by the filter factor. I suspect somewhere in your system there is an IR blocking element! Maybe your DMK camera has one over the chip? Anyway - My Baader wedge is arriving today (yay!) and will come with another continuum filter. I hope to get tests on this new one as well, But I think there is a UV/IR blocking filter in my future from baader!

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