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Atik 383, ED80 field flattening question


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Finally got some time to run my new 383L the other night on the Flaming Star neb, but I definitely have curvature at the corners of the field.

I tried my MPCC on it, and although the distance is correct (55/56mm), it pushed the focus point further out - enough so that the camera won't now come to focus!

So, looking for suggestions here. I don't want to put an extension tube on the train, but I came across this on FLO - First Light Optics - HoTech SCA Field Flattener - and wondered if this would do the trick.

Being rated for f/6 to f/8 might be better, given the ED80 is f/7.5, than the MPCC....

Thoughts and other suggestions welcomed :)

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Another vote for either the TS flattener 2 or the SW screw on flattener/reducer - I use both now and again. The HoTech requires some extenson tubes for correct distance doesn't it? Just my guess. The TS requires that too but it all goes down the draw tube which I like as I know I'll reach focus on the setup. Annoyingly my WO FF4 hits the bottom before I reach focus on either sig SW...

Good luck!

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