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Well here goes, first post...

First of all "Hello people"

I have an armchair astronomer for years now. Last week I took the plunge and ordered myself a Celestron 850 XLT. It arrived this week and luckily I have had a few relatively clear nights this week to play.

First night I decided, I would just take it outside and get used to the scope without playing with the Goto. Managed to find the moon :D and then Jupiter :) Now I am sure you are all impressed with that! But having never using a telescope before just getting the objects in the finder scope was quite a challenge to begin with. I am sure there are techniques for doing this, at the moment I am looking behind the eyepiece and lining up with a screw on the end of the scope and then looking through the finder. Anyway first glimpse of Jupiter and it's moons :) I am sure it will get easier.

Second night , needed to make sure that the Goto was working. So first challenge was to find 3 objects I can align with. Took me a while to work out that to scroll up and down was not using the direction keys. Anyway got past that and then managed to get the objects into the finder scope. It took at least half dozen attempts to make an alignment and then success. :( I could start with the tours. Having been outside for 2-3 hours, I was getting very cold so it was quick whiz through tours. Wow, first glimpse of Andromeda, Orion nebula.... I was quite impressed with what I was seeing considering it was a full moon (or near enough).

Last night, managed to align on first attempt. This is getting easier, managed to see quite a few clusters, double stars..... Just using the tours at the moment, worked out that you need to look through the scope for a while and you'll start seeing more.

Anyway that's where I'm at. Total novice so be kind.


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Can't wait for my first goto scope. Kinda of like being in the caveman days still though makes hunting stuff down a bit more fun, but I tend to not mind the cold so happy days. Goto will be a blessing when the time comes though and of course will make imaging a ton better :) have fun with it these forums are amazing and informative.

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