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Another Nice Night


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Just came in now after an excellent nights observing.

I started with M3 tonight, now looking alot better than what it did a few nights ago. Stars around the edge was resolved nicely in the 26mm EP, upping the power to a 9mm resolved stars almost into the core.

M13 was next, pretty much the same as M3, but abit brighter. It really looked great tonight. I could easily make out the propeller shape in AV.

M57 up next, looked fantastic. The ring was very well defined against the background stars.

Back to Hercules for M92, alot fainter and smaller than M3 and M13, but nice non the less.

By this time Ophiuchus was coming over the roof tops. M10 and M12 are pretty faint in the EP, but recognisable as a funny patch with a few starts resolved around the edge. I think these are less tightly packed globs compared to M13 and co.

Finally I explored Cygnus, which is one of my fave areas of the sky. Firstly M29. I forgot how nice this open cluster is! The FOV is just filled with stars.

Albireo was nice to see again too.

Finally M76 and the only nebula of the night. It's weird really, alot of people have trouble finding and seeing this. I star hop from Deneb, and with a little bit of shuffling around I see the tiny neb pop out at me.

I have to get up early-ish in the morning for the Tarantula show, so I called it a night.

The scope performed really well after having the mirror cleaned, The seeing helped too. I would give the seeing a good 9/10 tonight.


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