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M45 - Two scopes, two cameras and two years


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I have managed to put together an LRGB image of M45 using some old luminance date that I took with the Takahashi BRC-250 and Starlight Xpress H36 that I took a couple of years ago along with some LRGB data that I took in October and November with the FSQ106ED and ML8300, during this second session my Paramount stopped working and I'm waiting for confirmation from Bisque as to whether I need a new adapter panel board before ordering one. This has been a very up and down two weeks for me as I lost my beloved boy Hunter (German short haired pointer) to advanced lymphoma and we have since got a new addition to the family 'Floyd', a GSP puppy who is keeping us busy.

The details for the image are as follows

BRC-250 and H36 data --- 20x5 minutes luminance taken in November 2009

FSQ106ED and ML8300 data --- 15x10 minutes luminance and 12x10 each for RGB taken in October/November 2011

I decided to combine as I wanted a bit more luminance and I think the difraction spikes from the BRC-250 add impact to the image, but this is a personal thing

Here is a link to the full size image

M45 - Pleiades Star Cluster photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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A very fine image of M45, well done...sorry to hear about your lose, we have two Setters and I hate for anything to happen to them... Good job on the image.

Have you seen to new Tak? CCA version of the BRC???

Hi Guys

Thanks for the comments, I saw the new Tak CCA at NEAF last year in New York and it looks impressive but at a cost, I estimate that it will be over £14,500 here which is a lot for a 10" RC. It does have a built in electronic focuser which I believe is a moveable secondry but I wonder about collimation and how good it will be say, compared with an Atlas. Only time will tell

Best wishes


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