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Jupiter GRS


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It's been an interesting few months imaging Jupiter with my new C11. What I have found is that the best images are those taken at 3-4am, which is when the seeing is best. That's probably when the houses around me stop radiating heat from their roofs. So, my best pics were as Jupiter was approaching opposition and transitting in the early hours.

Now that Jupiter is an evening object, my pictures are not so good. But, never mind - I have Mars to look forward to :).

Here is my effort from yesterday evening (5th December) at 19:37.




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Thanks Telrad. My shots a few months ago had far more detail, so I deliberately reduced the size of the image by 65% so the scale matched the seeing a bit better.

This is only my second year observing and imaging Jupiter, and I have seen some huge changes. It'll be interesting to see what next year brings.

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Hi Tom, like yourself I've also been getting the same sort of problems with heat and smoke coming from rooftop chimneys. I do have a patch of sky that is free of houses but for Jupiter its an after midnight event now - assuming it's not raining. It's still a good shot - though I suspect you're waiting for that night of superb seeing when all the secrets of the Universe are revealed to you!

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Hi Tom, like yourself I've also been getting the same sort of problems with heat and smoke coming from rooftop chimneys. I do have a patch of sky that is free of houses but for Jupiter its an after midnight event now - assuming it's not raining. It's still a good shot - though I suspect you're waiting for that night of superb seeing when all the secrets of the Universe are revealed to you!

Yes, and it doesn't happen often! There was an exception night back in the Spring and I got a good shot of Saturn. I'm hoping for a good night for Mars in a month or two.

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